Thursday, December 1, 2011

SWTOR: Hints & Tips

  1. Always remember on new characters to open up your options and set them the way you like them. Pay special attention to the UI options that give you choices for your middle bottom, left and right vertical quickbars; as well as the placement of your companions skills in this setup. I move my companion skills to the left since I have never used a left side toolbar in any MMO effectively. Also take a good look at social options, specifically the "Allow same class story instances" option. This will allow other players who are the same class as you to group up and do your class story instances.
  2. In Warzone PVP, remember at the end of the match to vote for who you feel is the MVP of the match in your faction. MVP votes add extra warzone commendations! I found that many people left votes unused, which are just wasted PVP commendations. 
  3. Space Combat & PVP Warzones in tandem can generate large amounts of XP and credits. 
  4. When you are starting a new character, reach around level 2. At this point, if you know how to reach it, head for your starter world's shuttle to the Republic or Imperial Fleet. Once there, talk to all 14 crafting trainers. You don't have to take your three crafting skills yet, but it would be wise to take at least one and talk to the trainer, after picking up the crafter tutorial in front of the starter planet arrivals elevator on your spacedock. Talking to all 14 trainers and taking one skill and talking to the trainer that gave you that skill again to complete your crafting tutorial mission will net you 14x250 experience plus around another 1k experience from the tutorial. If you come in at level 2, you'll leave at level 4.5 without barely batting an eyelash.
    (Note: Scavenging might be usable on a starter world like Hoth that has a large robot MOB population)
  5. Datacrons, make sure you check the Datacron's Post for locations of each Datacron for the different planets. At least 3 can be found on each different world.
  6. @ level 10 you can start doing the Warzone PvP events. Then as you aquire accommodations buy the top level PvP box and sell it back to the PvP vendor for credits (30 accommodations = 1200 credits). Do to a bug with the Buy Back system (counts items in buy back towards unique loot limits) it will only allow you to do this once unless you clear your Buy Back items list by selling 9 items to the vendor and buying them back.  This has been patched and you can no longer sell PVP items for credits.
  1. Here is a pretty informative post on how to spec out a sniper: Snipers of the Old Republic

Friday, November 25, 2011

SWTOR: Datacrons & Matrix Cubs

Datacrons are small cubes hidden throughout the universe of SWTOR. They either give boosts to a single stat or they give you a matrix shard. Each type of datacron has a specific color:

Strength: Red
Endurance: Green
Willpower: Purple
Cunning: Orange
Aim: White
Presence: Yellow
Shards: Also White (but instead of there being a symbol on the side of the cube these have a pattern of dots that form a cross on each side of the cube. There are 4 different colors of shards: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue. These shards can be used to make Matrix cubes which will be talked about later.

The datacrons also glow and emit a pillar of colored light into the sky making them more visible if they are in the open. They also make a sound that you can hear when you are in the close vicinity of a datacron.

Locations by Planet:
There are a total of 66 Datacrons in the SWTOR universe. Here are their locations by planet.

GH = Galactic Histories

These two sites have complete lists of all the Datacrons, what they do, location and a video of how to find them. The first has the added feature of an in game map with the datacron locations marked for reference:

Star Wars: The Old Republic Game Guide - Datacrons

SWTOR Strategies: Complete Datacron Location List

Hutta {Empire}
Aim +2 (GH 1: The Architects) [X:-95  Y:22  Z:861] [X:-95  Y:861  Z:21]
Down by the Fa'athra Mining droids, south of the Evocii camp, and just past the hostile evocii village. As you enter the area you will be in a swamp there will be a large pipe on an angle on a hill to the left just past the entrance to the swamp, walk up the pipe, when you get off of the pipe you will see a small path off to the right that you have to jump down to, drop down there and just follow the path and it should lead you right up to it.

Presence +2 (GH 2: Ancient Civilizations) [X:654  Y:13]
The Datacron is on an island, but in order to get there you need to start at [X:503  Y:14]. Where the pipe meets the shore then take the pipe to the island but be careful because the pipes make an 'L' shape and you need to jump from one pipe to the other.

Blue Matrix Shard (GH 3: The Battalions of Zhell) [X:-10  Y:-12  Z:324*]
This datacron can be seen when you first enter the Sewer Maintenance Tunnels  [X:-19  Y:219]. It's behind a wall that requires you to go all the way around to get to it. There is an champion android nearby that drops low level blue quality gear as well.

Coruscant {Republic}
Endurance +2 (GH 4: King Adas) [X: -3626  Y:149] - video 1
Black Sun Terriroty of Coruscant. Requires a lot of jumping to get on top of obstructions and across pipes to get to the final location.

Cunning +2 (GH 5: Rise of the Infinite Empire) [X:1022  Y:3969]
Justicar Territory Coruscant. Start at [X:1034  Y:3982] jumping on boxes to pipes and such till you make it to the platform it is on.

Yellow Shard (GH 6: The Infinite Empire Collapses)
Strength +4 (GH 7: The First Spaceflights)
Presence +4 (GH 8: Hyperspace Cannons)

Tython {Republic}
Endurance +4 (GH 9)
Willpower +4 (GH 10)
Blue Shard (GH 11)

Ord Mantell {Republic}
Aim +4 (GH12)
Presence +4 (GH 13)
Red Shard (GH 14)

Korriban {Empire}
Endurance +2 (GH 15: Mandalore) [X:153  Y:81  Z:5] - screenshot 1
On the shuttle to leave Korriban, if you're looking north, there's a metal platform. Go there and turn your camera to look to the south. On your left you will see the Datacron. Play it safe and don't jump. You can get there by walking since there's enough ground to walk on.

Willpower +2 (GH 16: The Alsakan Conflicts) [X:529  Y:65  Z:-162] - screenshot 1 - video 1
If you look at your map of Korriban and locate "Lower Wilds" it's at the end of the trail leading to the east on the cliffs overlooking the road you took from the Lower Wilds Taxi towards the Field Research Area

Red Matrix Shard (GH 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention) [X:-54  Y:378  Z:-12] - screenshot 1 - video 1
Tomb of Tulak Hord in the area "outside" the crypts called The Ruined Atrium (the area where you do the group quests "Hate Machine" and "Armed and Dangerous" in the area furthest away from the entrance to the "Atrium."

Dromund Kaas {Empire}
Yellow Matrix Shard (GH 18: The Hutt Cataclysms) [X:-187  Y:1737  Z:-110] - video 1
In the heroic area malignant bog on Dromund Kaas. Visible on top of a waterfall, when looking at the waterfall there will be a path off to the left, follow this path and once u get into the opening area, turn to the right to see the waterfall

Strength +2 (GH 19: The Pius Dea Crusades) [X:-187  Y:1737 Z:-110] - video 1
It's in the South Hanger on the planet Dromund Kaas Docking Bay D-61. The docking bay is the very south of the spaceport by the B-04 Elevator. It's in the middle of the left side of the Docking Bay map. It's on a huge crate and took me a while to figure out how to get up there. If you go up the ramp just north of the crate at top around the first corner there is a gap and below you can see rails that can take you just above the crate. Look up above the crate and get a feel for where the rails start at so you can figure out where to jump down.  And don't just walk off the rail, you need to jump cause you'll get fall to the ground in front of the crate.

Endurance +2 (GH 20: Chancellor Blotus) [X:--789  Y:1452] 
To get there: When entering Lord Grathan's Estate from the Northeast, follow the wall to your right.You will see a path and just follow that. The coords for the path [X:-699  Y:1528]

Presence +2 (GH 21)

Cunning +2 (GH 22)

Taris {Republic}
Aim +4 (GH 23)
Cunning +4 (GH 24)
Green Shard (GH 25)
Strength +4 (GH 26)
Willpower +4 (GH 27)

Balmorra {Empire}
Aim +4 (GH 28)
Cunning +4 (GH 29)
Green Shard (GH 30)
Strength +4 (GH 31)
Willpower +4 (GH 32)

Nar Shaddaa
Aim +6 (GH 33)
Cunning +6 (GH 34)
Presence +6 (GH 35)
Yellow Shard (GH 36)
Strength +6 (GH 37)

Aim +6 (GH 38)
Cunning +6 (GH 39)
Blue Shard (GH 40)
Strength +6 (GH 41)
Willpower +6 (GH 42)

Aim +10 (GH 43)
Endurance +6 (GH 44)
Presence +6 (GH 45)
Strength +10 (GH 46)
Willpower +6 (GH 47)

Taris {Empire}
Endurance +6 (GH 48)
Aim +10 (GH 49)
Willpower +10 (GH 50)
Presence +10 (GH 51)
Cunning +10 (GH 52)

Balmorra {Republic}
Endurance +6 (GH 53)
Aim +10 (GH 54)
Willpower +10 (GH 55)
Presence +10 (GH 56)
Cunning +10 (GH 57)

Cunning +10 (GH 58)
Endurance +10 (GH 59)
Strength +10 (GH 60)

Cunning +10 (GH 63)
Endurance +10 (GH 64)
Presence +10 (GH 65)
Red Shard (GH 66)
Strength +10 (GH 67?) (Still haven’t found this one)

Aim +10 (GH 68)
Endurance +10 (GH 69)
Presence +10 (GH 70)
Green Shard (GH 71)
Willpower +10 (GH 72)

Endurance +10 (GH 73) (Currently bugged for Imperial players)
Cunning +10 (GH 74)
Presence +10 (GH 75)
Strength +10 (GH 76)
Willpower +10 (GH 77)

Green Shard (GH 61)
Blue Shard (GH 62)
Aim +10 (GH 78)
Willpower +10 (GH 79)
Presence +10 (GH 80)
Cunning +10 (GH 81)
Strength +10 (GH 82)

Aim +10 (GH 83?, currently doesn’t give a galactic history codex entry)
Endurance +10 (GH 84)
Red Shard (GH 85)
Yellow Shard (GH 86)
Willpower +10 (GH 87)

So if you add all these up you’ll see that there are 9 datacrons for each stat: +4(2), +6(2), +10(5), giving you a total of +70 to each stat if you collect all the stat datacrons. You’ll also notice that there are 3 shards of each color, making up the other 12 datacrons for a total of 66. I think this is a pretty nice stat increase for the work put in, not to mention the Matrix Cubes you can make with the shard datacrons. Speaking of Matrix Cubes…

Matrix Cubes (Relics)
Matrix Cubes can be created on your faction’s capital planet. On Dromund Kaas they’re created in the Ancient assembly chamber that is on the way to the Dark Temple. On Coruscant they’re created in the Lost Assembly Vault which is directly to the West when you enter the Jedi Temple. Each character has 3 relic slots, however if you have a matrix cube on you, you cannot make another. But if you put your matrix cube in your cargo hold and return to the assembly room you can make another matrix cube. If you keep repeating the process you can make up to 4 and then equip 3 of them. I’m not sure if this is intended or a bug. I’m hoping that at release there will be other kinds of relics besides matrix cubes.
Different matrix cubes can be made depending on which color shards you put in the assembler and if you’re a force user or tech user. It doesn’t matter which order you put the shards in. The order the colors are listed in below is the way the game currently names the matrix cubes.
After creation matrix cubes can be broken back down into their respective matrix shards in the disassembler which is in the same area as the assembler. In order to power it you have to buy a Reconstructed Disassembler Core from a vendor on Tatooine in Mos Isla or Anchorhead depending on your faction. The Reconstructed Disassembler Core currently costs 20k.

Matrix Cubes
R = Red
Y = Yellow
G = Green
B = Blue

Lvl 15 (T2)
RBY: 11 Str, 15 End
BYG: 8 Str, 18 End
RBG: 15 Aim, 11 End
RYG: 15 End, 11 Will

Lvl 24 (T3)
RYY: 23 Str, 16 End, 5 Crit
BYY: 11 Aim, 24 End, 9 Def
GYY: 22 End, 17 Cun, 6 Crit
RBB: 16 End, 23 Will, 5 Crit
YBB: 11 Str, 24 End, 9 Def
GBB: 17 Aim, 22 End, 6 Crit

Lvl 32 (T4)
YRR: 14 Str, 33 End, 8 Acc, 10 Def
BRR: 22 End, 29 Will, 14 Crit
GRR: 23 Aim, 26 End, 16 Pow
RGG: 26 End, 23 Cun, 16 Crit
YGG: Bugged, gives YRR
BGG: 14 Aim, 33 End, 8 Shield, 10 Def

Lvl 50 (T7)
Force Users
YYY: 24 Str, 62 End, 26 Def, 24 Surge
GGG: 50 Str, 43 End, 18 Crit, 26 Surge
RRR: 50 Will, 43 End, 18 Crit, 26 Surge
BBB: 50 Aim, 43 End, 26 Acc, 18 Crit (Possibly bugged since force users have no use for Aim)

Tech Users
YYY: 24 Aim, 62 End, 24 Acc, 26 Def
GGG: 50 Str, 43 End, 18 Crit, 26 Surge (Also possibly bugged)
RRR: 52 End, 43 Cun, 18 Crit, 24 Surge
BBB: 50 Aim, 43 End, 26 Acc, 18 Crit

Currently you can find Matrix Prisms, Matrix emitters, and Matrix amplifiers that say they can be used to alter matrix cubes when they are being created. They can be found through archeology (not sure about other gathering skills). Currently there is no use for them in game. I imagine they will be used to make T5, T6, and T8 matrix cubes. Hopefully their uses will be more interesting than just boosting stats though.

Datacron Hunting tips:
Explore, explore, explore. Some datacrons are out in the open and easy to see but there are plenty that aren’t. There are even some that you can’t see until you’re already in a position that allows you to gain access to them.
If you see a vendor in the middle of nowhere selling only blue items or a vendor selling strange items anywhere, you’ll probably need those at some point.
When looking for a path to a datacron be prepared to travel a significant distance from the datacron to find the beginning of the path. They aren’t all like this, but there is one planet in particular that is notorious for this.
Hunt in groups, the more eyes the better.
Keep your ears open, most of the time I could hear the datacrons before I saw them. Also helps if you turn down the volume on everything except ambient sound.
Datacrons are never in phases, if you’re in one don’t bother looking.
If the minimap turns black where you are, there most likely aren’t any datacrons there because you’ve most likely gotten to a place you’re not supposed to be lol.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

SWTOR: Early Access Program Revealed

From the SWTOR site:

"One of the benefits to pre-ordering Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is that you will gain Early Game Access before launch on December 20th. This is a chance to start your epic Star Wars saga early, as you’ll be able to create and play your character ahead of the official live game launch."

Monday, November 7, 2011

SWTOR: Pre-Order Info

Finally a release date...

December 20, 2011!

So make sure you have your pre-order in for the early access program.

SWTOR Pre-Order Site

Sunday, November 6, 2011

2 Boxing Software

PCGameTools probably has some of the best software for 2 Boxing that I have seen/used. All there software can be Demo'ed before you buy.

Control Assistant & Boxin Assistant make 2 Boxing (or 3, 4, 5, etc) any game fairly easy but do require some setup.

Control Assistant

Boxin Assistant

They also make programs tailored specifically to certain classes and certain games like the Cleric Assistant for Rift.

Friday, October 7, 2011

RIFT: Duracell DPS Cleric

The basics of this build in raid environment is that "You heal 5 party/raid members around you massively as you output some nasty dps, conviction heals are extra for you to use in case of emergency and for some spot heals". Put mandate on the tank and you are healing the tank like no one else while you are nuking boss or a pack of mobs.

Some of the major benefits with this build are
1. You never gonna run out of mana or you are going to forget about it.
2. Massive nasty AOE/single DPS and Heal (ease off the healer's task a lot)
3. You can still off-tank while the tank is down after poping the leadership.
4. Charge ability to close in
5. once you build convictions, there you have heals you can spam.
6. and so much more

General build explanation link: 

The link above will pretty much explain everything about this build except to change a bit for steady DPS boost you get from Vengeance of the piercing cold from Shaman tree 32 pt. which gives 10 second 5% damage boost on initial engaging and it refreshes every time you hit, so pretty much permanent boost for all melee attack. so the build would be 20 Just/32 Shaman/14 INQ.

ZAM:Duracell DPS Cleric Justicar/Shaman/Inquisitor 


Single Target
#show massive blow
cast ageless ice
cast jolt
cast glory of the chosen
cast fated blow
cast sanction heretic
cast strike of the maelstrom
cast lightning hammer
cast massive blow
cast sovereignty
cast strike of judgment

I took the bolt of radiance from the default rotation since sometimes it causes the unwanted-pull when you spam. just put that in the button separately to build conviction.

Multiple Target
#show even justice
cast purpose
cast rage of the north
cast jolt
cast glory of the chosen
cast fated blow
cast soul drain
cast strike of the maelstrom
cast even justice

#show Vex
cast Battle Charge
cast @mouseover Battle Charge
cast Vex
cast @mouseover Vex

Shield/Self Heal
#show Glacial Shield
cast Glacial Shield
cast Doctrine of Bliss

Keyboard setup:
#1 for Vex/Charge
#2 for singletarget
#3 for shield/self heal
#4 for multiple target

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

RIFT: Tank Build

This spec is for tanking and is the SPEC I believe anyone wanting to become a tank should use to level up in dungeons. Again this is ONLY my personal opinion and not 100% right or wrong. This build with give you all you need to learn how to become a main tank.
ZAM: Warrior TANK VoidKnight/Paladin/Warlord

Most tanks make the same mistake over and over. They believe that threat is ONLY generated by threat generating abilities. If that was true, then why do top DPS people take agro? As a tank we are given ADDITIONAL means of generating threat. But we have to also understand that how much damage we do also adds to a tanks threat. Now we are never going to be hitting the DPS meters with any numbers that compare to pure DPS. As a tank if you are doing 50 DPS and a rogue is hitting the meters at 1200, I don’t care how many times you hit a threat generating ability, the second u miss a button, that rogue is dead. So in order to ensure you have threat room, so to speak, you have to use your abilities to there maximum.

Also, there are no healing abilities in our trees that justify taking them, under ANY situation. The biggest single way for tanks in this spec to allow healing, is PALADIN’S REPRISAL, you can pull 10 trash mobs and stun them all for 3 seconds. That single stun allows a mass amount of heals on you while you take no damage and remove any of them from other members of the group. Don’t waste your talent points on a heal that does 100 when you are getting hit for 3k, the numbers DO NOT work out in your favor, EVER.

This build is high mitigation and mass AoE threat and mob control. This build will allow you to strip buffs off a mob when needed, cure curses, pick up lose mobs running away from you and allow you to pick up a mass amount of mobs all at once.

Insatiable Hunger 5/5
Energy Retention 2/5
Ravenous Strength 3/3
Spell Sunder 1/1
Blood from a Stone 5/5
Spellbreaker 1/1
Ravenous Defense 3/3
Devourer 3/5

Stalwart Shield 5/5
Defender 5/5
Aggressive Guardian 2/2
Small Arms Specialization 2/5
Hardened Will 3/3
Martial Shield 1/1
Unyielding Defense 5/5
Paladin’s Devotion 1/1
Vengeful Wrath 3/3
Balance of Power 3/3
Shield of the Chosen 1/1
Paladin’s Reprisal 1/1

Power Countenance 5/5
Defensive Experience 5/5
Call of Battle 1/1

My macros are as follows: (they do not change for AoE or Single target encounters, there is NO need)


#show reckless strike
cast light's decree
cast aggressive block
cast ragestorm
cast sweeping strike
cast shield throw
cast reckless strike
cast disarming counterblow
cast retaliation


#show spotter's order
cast call to battle
cast spotter's order

The following abilities are not macro’d and on my spell bar for needed use.

SHIELD THROW – I keep this down on my bar to use as a single target pull when needing to split a pull off another tank
SPELL SUNDER – removes buffs on mobs
SERGEANT’S ORDER – forces threat on tank and brings mob to you from up to 20meters away
PALADIN’S DEVOTION – removes all the control effects
SPELLBREAKER - removes 3 curses
PALADIN’S REPRISAL – single greatest ability we have as a tank IMO, read and understand its use
AIRBURST – AoE threat
PACK CONVERSION – rarely used but nice to have when u need to get pacts up fast
CATALYZE – if it has mana I use this after CALL of BATTLE to give myself 5% damage reduction
SHIELD CHARGE – you charge into the attack
FACE SLAM – interrupts the blue casting of all mobs
TOUCH of LIFE – 10 minute cd complete heal. I have heard tanks actually say if they have to us this the healer is bad. Really? Its one of our abilities if you die with it up its not the healer that is bad but you as a tank are bad for not using your abilities. What are you saving it for? So you don’t die? But you just died and wiped the group with it up!

OK now a few pulling tricks to help people out with the bigger pulls.

Your main macro has LIGHT”S DECREE in it. This ONE ability is your single most valuable pulling ability, period. Anyone that argues this can offer you NO useful information about tanking because they plain and simply don’t understand anything about threat.

If you have a group of say 3 mobs, one of them is a caster and the others are melee, meaning the others are going to run at you. You hit your macro which will throw your hammer at the mana mob, in turn doing damage to all of them, generating threat. Then you use SERGEANT’S ORDER on the same mob pulling it to you. At this point you use paladin’s reprisal or airburst and those mobs are yours and cant be taken away from you. Now you are spamming your main macro building attack points to burn finishers. Meters humpers won’t bother you anymore. If you have several mana mobs then instead of pulling one into you, use shield charge AFTER your hammer. Remember your hammer is one of your greatest abilities, use it and understand it completely. Now this just a helpful idea, using your personal play style can make this better or fix something you have been having problems with. MY WAY IS NOT 100% correct and ONLY this way can be used. Use this for what it is, a guide, foundation to help you grow into a main tank.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

RIFT: Necro/Chloro/Warlock Build

ZAM: My Build So Far @lvl 18

DoT Macro
#show Radiant Spores
cast Radiant Spores
cast Life Leech

I put the this macro in position 1 on my bar and then put in the rest of the DoTs in the order of how long they last. Refer to the image below to see how they are setup. So once I double tap nDOTs macro I just walk across the keyboard till I get to nCDs macro.

#show Stream of Reclamation
cast [notactive] Stream of Reclamation
cast Void Bolt
cast Plague Bolt
cast Vile Spores

Use this to cast your mana replenish spells.

#show Consumption
cast Consumption
cast Sacrifice Life: Mana

Here is a nice heal macro for your Chloro heal. If you just hit the button it will cast Bloom on yourself, if you press the ALT key and the button it will cast BLOOM on who ever your mouse is over (characters or their portraits), if you press the CTL key and the button it will cast BLOOM on who ever you have targeted and lastly if you hold down the SHIFT key and press the button it will cast Reviviy on your pet.

#show Bloom
cast @self Bloom
cast [alt] @mouseover Bloom
cast [ctl] Bloom
cast [shift] @pet Revivify

Monday, September 26, 2011

RIFT: Warrior DPS

I've created two Roles for Warrior DPS one is a Dual Wielding spec (Riftblad/Paragon/VoidKnight) and the other is a 2-Handed spec (Riftblade/Champion/Reaver). The third soul can be changed out however you like. Reaver works better in PvP if your not using the Vindicator Role. It will give you an extra ranged attack and the ability to reduce a targets armor (this ability generates PVE hate so do not use in Raid/Dungeon when doing PVE DPS). Void Knight gives you a nice 5% reduction to all NON physical damage.

ZAM: Warrior DPS Riftblade/Paragon/VoidKnight

Warrior DPS is tricky, only because you have 2 ways of stacking stats. You can stack DEX/CRIT or you can stack STR/AP. This is really your choice, as long as you can hit the numbers for raiding. Although with the up coming changes on PTS CRIT for warriors will be moved to STR and AP will be equal between STR/DEX (50/50 instead of the current 75/25).

This spec is a solid all around spec. It has awesome single target, AoE and ranged DPS.

All of them!

Combat Precision 5/5
Teaching of the Five Rings 5/5
Weapon Master 5/5

Use Void Knight while raiding simply because you get a 5% reduction of all NON physical damage.

Macros are as follows: (remember you don’t want so many abilities in a macro you never get to use all of them)

NOTE: Testing shows the Single Target Builder to be more energy efficient on a single target then using AoE Builder. If you are constantly depleted of energy it will slow down the execution of your abilities that require energy, this will lead to lower DPS numbers. Use PLANAR Blade Buff over STORM Blade Buff. The bonus to DPS granted by STORM Blade will be off set by the energy starvation, slowing down your ability use. PLANAR blade will keep you in energy and that means using your abilities when they are ready instead of waiting for your energy bar.

#show Rift Strike
cast Rising Waterfall
cast Turn the Blade
cast Stoneshield
cast Rift Strike
cast Frost Strike
cast Searing Strike
cast Stonespear
cast Windspear
cast Flamespear
cast Path of the Raptor
cast Path of the Wind

#show Rift Surge
cast rift surge
cast Fiery Burst
cast Reaping Harvest

#show Thunder Strike
cast Turn the Blade
cast Stoneshield
cast Frost Strike
cast Thunder Strike
cast Rift Strike
cast Windspear
cast Flamespear
cast Path of the Raptor
cast Path of the Wind

#show Rift Surge
cast Rift Surge
cast Rift Storm
cast Earth Burst
cast Storm Burst
cast Fiery Burst

Also understand Windspear is a silencing ability and great to have available to use when needed. You don’t need to remove it from my macro, however I would have it also on a spell bar so you can use it when needed by its self.

Self buffs to use are as follows:

AVATAR of the RIFT – ALWAYS (this is why you went 51 points into RB)
FOCUS of STRENGTH – ALWAYS (if a bard in raid/grp this will be overwritten)
Planar Blade – If no bard (this will prevent energy starvation and you will probably have it on more then any other blade ability)
BLADE of ELEMENTAL AFFINITY – If you need heals, like in PvP or a Rifts/Invasions or even during dungeons and raids. You can switch your self buffs as needed.
STORM BLADE – If you have a bard in group and not having any energy starvation issues this adds a little dps.

ZAM: Warrior DPS Riftblade/Champion/Reaver

This is a viable spec for a 2-Handed Warrior. Removing the Void Knight Soul and replacing with Reaver to gain the extra ranged attack and armor reducing strike. DPS will be comparable to the Riftblade/Paragon/VoidKnight if you have a good 2-Hander.

All of them!

Take No Prisoners 5/5
Titan's Strength 2/5
Deadly Strikes 3/3
Weapon Specialization 5/5

Use Reaver to get an extra ranged attack and the ability to reduce a targets armor for 15 seconds.

Macros are as follows: (remember you don’t want so many abilities in a macro you never get to use all of them). Add Ravaging Strike to your hot bar and click as needed. DO NOT add it to the macro as it will reduce DPS.

#show rift strike
cast Inescapable Fury
cast Debilitating Strike
cast Stoneshield
cast Rift Strike
cast Frost Strike
cast Searing Strike
cast Mark of Inevitability
cast Stonespear
cast Windspear
cast Soul Sickness
cast Flamespear

#show Dire Blow
cast Deathblow
cast Rift Surge
cast Fiery Burst
cast Punishing Blow

#show Thunder Strike
cast Inescapable Fury
cast Stoneshield
cast Frost Strike
cast Thunder Strike
cast Mighty Blow
cast Mark of Inevitability
cast Stonespear
cast Windspear
cast Flamespear

#show Mighty Blow
cast Rift Storm
cast Earth Burst
cast Storm Burst
cast Rift Surge
cast Fiery Burst

AVATAR of the RIFT – ALWAYS (this is why you went 51 points into RB)
PLANAR BLADE – If no bard (this will prevent energy starvation and you will probably have it on more then any other blade ability)
BLADE of ELEMENTAL AFFINITY – If you need heals, like in PvP or a Rifts/Invasions or even during dungeons and raids. You can switch your self buffs as needed.
STORM BLADE – If you have a bard in group and not having any energy starvation issues this adds a little dps.

RIFT: Saboteur

ZAM: Ranged DPS Rogue Saboteur/Assassin/Ranger

Parsed DPS
+ AoE 3 Targets 1.2k Average over 1min
+ Single Target 530-560 Average over 2min

The Build
44Sab/20sin/2RS (moving the 2 points you had in Eagle Eye to Unseen Fury)

For raid purposes us the Ranger build gives more crit and with the added buffs from Support players you would not need the extra attack power, as for regular dungeons or solo play the rift stalker will have a higher unbuffed attack power. The Ranger add means higher and more crits after already being buffed, so which ever you would like.

Main Abilities

- Blast Charge (High dps)
- Spike Charge (Dps with DoT)
- Sharpnel Charge (AoE)
- Splinter Charge (Debuff Armor)
- Annihilation Bomb (Detonates Blast and Spike Charges)
- Fragmentation Bomb (AoE)
- Booby Traps (AoE)
- Expose Weakness (Debuff)
- Detonate

Crowd Control
- Adhesive Bomb (Slows movement by 70%)
- Choking Gas Bomb (Silence)
- Incriminate (Transfers Aggro to Tank)

- Poison Malice
- Lethal Poison
- Virulent Poison



As Sab is a heavy AoE and CC spec, it can get good single target dps.
Before battle begins set charges on boss. Do not detonate till tank has aggro (high dps you could pull the aggro from tank, if that happens use Incriminate)

Splinter Charge x5> Expose Weakness> Detonate

Blast Charge x5> Annihilation Bomb >Detonate
Spike Charge x5> Detonate
Then either keep plugging these charges or spam Booby Trap till mob is dead, if you want to continue using Annilation Bomb, pop the Carpet Bombing for 3 more times of no cool down.

Sharpnel Charge x5> Incriminate Macro
Incriminate (Transfer aggro) (Marco Below)
Spam Fragmenation Bomb & Booby Trap till dead (Macro Below)

Protection and Crowd control
Landmines>Booby Trap have a small knock back would be good for a couple sec delay to protect clerics, possibly be able to gain aggro on mob after the cleric and you can redirect back to the tank with instigate, ie make that tanks job easier)
Adhesive Bombs slows the movement of mob (We will need this for GSB)
Choking Gas Bomb silences enemy for 8 sec


AoE Spam

#show fragmentation bomb
cast fragmentation bomb
cast booby trap


#show incriminate
cast @focus incriminate
cast detonate

Melee Spam

#show Savage Strike
cast Poison Malice
cast Savage Strike
cast Primal Strike

End Note:
There are other abilities you can try other than just these, the assassin has melee abilities of course for single target. Just keep trying different stuff if you find something I missed let me know.

PS. Watch out for shields that reflect damage ie final boss in AP, you will die with Ninja Speed.

RIFT: WoW Paladin Build

Here is the ZAM link to a comparable build in RIFT to the WoW Paladin for Grimsax.

ZAM: WoW Paladin Build

ZAM: My Cleric Pally Build Option 1 [Sentinal]

ZAM: My Cleric Pally Build Option 2 [Inquisitor]

ZAM: My Cleric Pally Build Option 3 [Warden]

This is how my points are spent so far @16.

Cleric Pally @16


#show Crushing Blow
cast Fated Blow
cast Censure
cast Massive Blow
cast Bolt of Radiance
cast Lightning Hammer
cast Crushing Blow
cast Strike of Judgment
cast Life's Vengeance
cast Light Bolt


#show Healing Breath
cast @self Healing Breath
cast @self Doctrine of Bliss